User's Guide
D-30 Code Sets
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Vertical Spacing
Set line spacing in 1/216-... ESC 3 n 1B 33 n 27 51 n This sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
or 1/180-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence speci-
Epson JX & IBM XL24: fies the distance as 1/216- or 1/180-inch increments,
3 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 H 1B 33 48 27 51 72 depending on the active emulation. When the Epson
4 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 6 1B 33 36 27 51 54 JX or IBM XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in
6 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 $ 1B 33 24 27 51 36 1/216-inch increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emula-
8 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 ESC 1B 33 1B 27 51 27 tion is active, the distance is in 1/180-inch increments.
12 lines per inch ........ ESC 3 DC2 1B 33 12 27 51 18 The value of variable n defines the line spacing distance:
Epson LQ-2250:
3 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 < 1B 33 3C 27 51 60 Line spacing = n x 1/216-inch (Epson JX & IBM XL24)
4 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 - 1B 33 2D 27 51 45 Line spacing = n x 1/180-inch (Epson LQ-2550)
6 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 RS 1B 33 1E 27 51 30
8 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 ETB 1B 33 17 27 51 23 Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
12 lines per inch ........ ESC 3 SI 1B 33 0F 27 51 15 Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical spacing unit to
either 1/216 or 1/180 inch.
Set line spacing in 1/72-..... ESC A n 1B 41 n 27 65 n This sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
or 1/60-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence speci-
Epson JX & IBM XL24: fies the distance as 1/72- or 1/60-inch increments,
3 lines per inch .......... ESC A CAN 1B 41 18 27 65 24 depending on the active emulation. When the Epson
4 lines per inch .......... ESC A DC2 1B 41 12 27 65 18 JX or IBM XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in
6 lines per inch .......... ESC A FF 1B 41 0C 27 65 12 1/72-inch increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emula-
8 lines per inch .......... ESC A HT 1B 41 09 27 65 9 tion is active, the distance is in 1/180-inch increments.
12 lines per inch ........ ESC A ACK 1B 41 06 27 65 6 Also, when the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the printer
Epson LQ-2250: ............. stores but does not use the line spacing setting until it re-
3 lines per inch .......... ESC A DC4 1B 41 14 27 65 20 ceives a Start New Line Spacing sequence. The value of
4 lines per inch .......... ESC A SI 1B 41 0F 27 65 15 variable n defines the line spacing distance:
6 lines per inch .......... ESC A LF 1B 41 0A 27 65 10
8 lines per inch .......... ESC A BS 1B 41 08 27 65 8 Line spacing = n x 1/72-inch (Epson JX & IBM XL24)
12 lines per inch ........ ESC A ENQ 1B 41 05 27 65 5 Line spacing = n x 1/60-inch (Epson LQ-2550)
Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical spacing unit to
either 1/72 or 1/60 inch.
Set vertical units ................ ESC [ \ EOT 1B 5B 5C 04 27 91 92 4 This sequence sets the vertical distance units for the Set
NUL NUL NUL 00 00 00 00 n 0 0 0 0 n Line Spacing (ESC 3 and ESC A) sequences and the
NUL n Paper Feed (ESC J) sequence. The value of variable n
determines the vertical distance units.
Vertical disance units Variable n
1/180 1/60 1/180 . . . . . . . . . . . B4 180
1/216 1/72 1/216 . . . . . . . . . . . D8 216
Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.
User's Guide
D-30 Code Sets
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Vertical Spacing
Set line spacing in 1/216-... ESC 3 n 1B 33 n 27 51 n This sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
or 1/180-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence speci-
Epson JX & IBM XL24: fies the distance as 1/216- or 1/180-inch increments,
3 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 H 1B 33 48 27 51 72 depending on the active emulation. When the Epson
4 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 6 1B 33 36 27 51 54 JX or IBM XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in
6 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 $ 1B 33 24 27 51 36 1/216-inch increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emula-
8 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 ESC 1B 33 1B 27 51 27 tion is active, the distance is in 1/180-inch increments.
12 lines per inch ........ ESC 3 DC2 1B 33 12 27 51 18 The value of variable n defines the line spacing distance:
Epson LQ-2250:
3 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 < 1B 33 3C 27 51 60 Line spacing = n x 1/216-inch (Epson JX & IBM XL24)
4 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 - 1B 33 2D 27 51 45 Line spacing = n x 1/180-inch (Epson LQ-2550)
6 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 RS 1B 33 1E 27 51 30
8 lines per inch .......... ESC 3 ETB 1B 33 17 27 51 23 Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
12 lines per inch ........ ESC 3 SI 1B 33 0F 27 51 15 Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical spacing unit to
either 1/216 or 1/180 inch.
Set line spacing in 1/72-..... ESC A n 1B 41 n 27 65 n This sequence sets the distance that the paper moves for
or 1/60-inch increments each line feed, reverse line feed, etc. The sequence speci-
Epson JX & IBM XL24: fies the distance as 1/72- or 1/60-inch increments,
3 lines per inch .......... ESC A CAN 1B 41 18 27 65 24 depending on the active emulation. When the Epson
4 lines per inch .......... ESC A DC2 1B 41 12 27 65 18 JX or IBM XL24 emulation is active, the distance is in
6 lines per inch .......... ESC A FF 1B 41 0C 27 65 12 1/72-inch increments. When the Epson LQ-2550 emula-
8 lines per inch .......... ESC A HT 1B 41 09 27 65 9 tion is active, the distance is in 1/180-inch increments.
12 lines per inch ........ ESC A ACK 1B 41 06 27 65 6 Also, when the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the printer
Epson LQ-2250: ............. stores but does not use the line spacing setting until it re-
3 lines per inch .......... ESC A DC4 1B 41 14 27 65 20 ceives a Start New Line Spacing sequence. The value of
4 lines per inch .......... ESC A SI 1B 41 0F 27 65 15 variable n defines the line spacing distance:
6 lines per inch .......... ESC A LF 1B 41 0A 27 65 10
8 lines per inch .......... ESC A BS 1B 41 08 27 65 8 Line spacing = n x 1/72-inch (Epson JX & IBM XL24)
12 lines per inch ........ ESC A ENQ 1B 41 05 27 65 5 Line spacing = n x 1/60-inch (Epson LQ-2550)
Note: When the IBM XL24 emulation is active, the Set
Vertical Units sequence forces the vertical spacing unit to
either 1/72 or 1/60 inch.
Set vertical units ................ ESC [ \ EOT 1B 5B 5C 04 27 91 92 4 This sequence sets the vertical distance units for the Set
NUL NUL NUL 00 00 00 00 n 0 0 0 0 n Line Spacing (ESC 3 and ESC A) sequences and the
NUL n Paper Feed (ESC J) sequence. The value of variable n
determines the vertical distance units.
Vertical disance units Variable n
1/180 1/60 1/180 . . . . . . . . . . . B4 180
1/216 1/72 1/216 . . . . . . . . . . . D8 216
Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.