User's Guide
E-4 Specifications
Table E-1. Specifications––continued
Item Specifications
Standard AMT, Diablo 630, Epson JX, Epson LQ-2550
(includes LQ-1500 and LQ-2500), IBM
XL24 Proprinter
Options DEC and HP emulations
Vertical and Horizontal Spacing
Line spacing
User-selectable 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 lines per inch
Software-selectable 1 to 120 lines per inch
Character spacing
User-selectable 10, 12, 13.3, 15, 17.1 and 20 characters per
inch and proportional
Software-selectable 1 to 120 characters per inch and proportional
Line length
User-selectable 8, 13.6 and 16 inches
10-pitch Up to 160 character columns
12-pitch Up to 192 character columns
13.3-pitch Up to 212 character columns
15-pitch Up to 240 character columns
17.1-pitch Up to 273 character columns
20-pitch Up to 320 character columns
User's Guide
E-4 Specifications
Table E-1. Specifications––continued
Item Specifications
Standard AMT, Diablo 630, Epson JX, Epson LQ-2550
(includes LQ-1500 and LQ-2500), IBM
XL24 Proprinter
Options DEC and HP emulations
Vertical and Horizontal Spacing
Line spacing
User-selectable 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 lines per inch
Software-selectable 1 to 120 lines per inch
Character spacing
User-selectable 10, 12, 13.3, 15, 17.1 and 20 characters per
inch and proportional
Software-selectable 1 to 120 characters per inch and proportional
Line length
User-selectable 8, 13.6 and 16 inches
10-pitch Up to 160 character columns
12-pitch Up to 192 character columns
13.3-pitch Up to 212 character columns
15-pitch Up to 240 character columns
17.1-pitch Up to 273 character columns
20-pitch Up to 320 character columns