User's Guide
Code Sets D-39
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Print character string ....... ESC \ n1 n2 1B 5C n1 n2 27 92 n1 n2 The list is a series of character codes for the characters to
(continued) list list list print. For example, to print the characters assigned codes
10 through 20 decimal, the correct sequence is 27 92 11 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (decimal).
Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.
Print character .................. ESC [ n 1B 5B n 27 91 n These sequences print a character that is assigned a valid
Alternate ......................... ESC ^ n 1B 5E n 27 94 n control code. The value of variable n in the sequence is
the control code assigned to the character. For example,
to print the music note symbol assigned to the CR control
code, the correct sequence is ESC [ CR or ESC ^ CR.
Note: The ESC [ n sequence is not supported when the
IBM XL24 emulation is active.
Enable/disable characters These sequences enable and disable the printing of inter-
with codes 128-159, 255 national characters assigned to codes 128 through 159 and
Enable ............................ ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 255. When disabled, the printer performs the control
Disable ........................... ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 functions assigned to these codes.
Enable/disable characters . ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence enables/disables the printing of char-
with codes below 32 acter codes 0 to 6, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30,
Enable ESC I 1 1B 49 31 27 73 49 and 31 decimal.
Disable ........................... ESC I 0 1B 49 30 27 43 48
Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM
XL24 emulation is active.
Select characters for ......... ESC t n 1B 74 n 27 116 n This sequence sets the characters that print for codes
codes above 159 above 159. The sequence can set either the italic ASCII
Italics.............................. ESC t 0 1B 74 30 27 116 48 characters or the normal IBM graphic characters. With
Graphics ......................... ESC t 1 1B 74 31 27 116 49 italic characters selected, add 128 to the normal character
code to print the italicized version. For example, to print
an italicized letter A (code 65 decimal), send code 193
(65 + 128 = 193).
Bold printing These sequences start and end bold printing at the current
Start ................................ ESC G 1B 47 27 71 print position. For bold, the printer prints each character
End ................................. ESC H 1B 48 27 72 twice at the character's normal print position (this requires
a second printing pass over the line).
Shadow printing These sequences start and end shadow printing at the cur-
Start ................................ ESC E 1B 45 27 69 rent print position. For shadow, the printer prints each
Start (alternate) ............... ESC q 1 1B 71 31 27 113 49 character twice--once at the character's normal print posi-
Start (alternate)............... ESC u STX 1B 75 02 27 117 2 tion, and once 1/120-inch to the right of this position
End ................................. ESC F 1B 46 27 70 (this requires a second printing pass over the line).
End (alternate) ................ ESC q 0 1B 71 30 27 113 48
End (alternate) ................ ESC u NUL 1B 75 00 27 117 0
User's Guide
Code Sets D-39
Table D-6. Epson and IBM Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Print character string ....... ESC \ n1 n2 1B 5C n1 n2 27 92 n1 n2 The list is a series of character codes for the characters to
(continued) list list list print. For example, to print the characters assigned codes
10 through 20 decimal, the correct sequence is 27 92 11 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (decimal).
Note: This sequence is not supported when an Epson
emulation is active.
Print character .................. ESC [ n 1B 5B n 27 91 n These sequences print a character that is assigned a valid
Alternate ......................... ESC ^ n 1B 5E n 27 94 n control code. The value of variable n in the sequence is
the control code assigned to the character. For example,
to print the music note symbol assigned to the CR control
code, the correct sequence is ESC [ CR or ESC ^ CR.
Note: The ESC [ n sequence is not supported when the
IBM XL24 emulation is active.
Enable/disable characters These sequences enable and disable the printing of inter-
with codes 128-159, 255 national characters assigned to codes 128 through 159 and
Enable ............................ ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 255. When disabled, the printer performs the control
Disable ........................... ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 functions assigned to these codes.
Enable/disable characters . ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n This sequence enables/disables the printing of char-
with codes below 32 acter codes 0 to 6, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30,
Enable ESC I 1 1B 49 31 27 73 49 and 31 decimal.
Disable ........................... ESC I 0 1B 49 30 27 43 48
Note: This sequence is not supported when the IBM
XL24 emulation is active.
Select characters for ......... ESC t n 1B 74 n 27 116 n This sequence sets the characters that print for codes
codes above 159 above 159. The sequence can set either the italic ASCII
Italics.............................. ESC t 0 1B 74 30 27 116 48 characters or the normal IBM graphic characters. With
Graphics ......................... ESC t 1 1B 74 31 27 116 49 italic characters selected, add 128 to the normal character
code to print the italicized version. For example, to print
an italicized letter A (code 65 decimal), send code 193
(65 + 128 = 193).
Bold printing These sequences start and end bold printing at the current
Start ................................ ESC G 1B 47 27 71 print position. For bold, the printer prints each character
End ................................. ESC H 1B 48 27 72 twice at the character's normal print position (this requires
a second printing pass over the line).
Shadow printing These sequences start and end shadow printing at the cur-
Start ................................ ESC E 1B 45 27 69 rent print position. For shadow, the printer prints each
Start (alternate) ............... ESC q 1 1B 71 31 27 113 49 character twice--once at the character's normal print posi-
Start (alternate)............... ESC u STX 1B 75 02 27 117 2 tion, and once 1/120-inch to the right of this position
End ................................. ESC F 1B 46 27 70 (this requires a second printing pass over the line).
End (alternate) ................ ESC q 0 1B 71 30 27 113 48
End (alternate) ................ ESC u NUL 1B 75 00 27 117 0