xii Issue 1 September 1995
Procedure—Local Test 10-15
■ Test Basic Rate Interface (BRI) 10-15
Description 10-15
Procedure—Dial Tone 10-15
Procedure—Make and Receive Calls 10-15
Procedure—Checking the Service Profile
Identifier (SPID) 10-16
A Approved Grounds A-1
■ Definition of Approved Ground A-1
■ Acceptable Mediums for Protective Ground A-1
■ Approved Floor Grounds A-2
B Earthquake Protection Procedures B-1
■ Install Floor Mounting to Attach Cabinet to Floor B-1
Figure Notes: B-2
Figure Notes: B-3
■ Install Ground Plates on Cabinet Backs B-4
■ Install Front Plates B-4
C DEFINITY AUDIX System Power Procedures C-1
■ Manually Power Down DEFINITY AUDIX System C-1
■ Manual Power Up DEFINITY AUDIX System C-3
D Country Differences D-1
■ United States to United Kingdom and
France Terminology Translations D-1
■ Country-Specific Hardware D-1
E Installing the 9400-Series Telephones E-1
■ Installing the 9400-Series Telephones E-1
■ Wiring Information E-2