Determine the Location of the Equipment Closets
Issue 1 September 1995
Check location of the AC power receptacle. The receptacle must be on a
separately current limited (fuse or circuit breaker) circuit not controlled by
a wall switch.
Determine the Location of the
Equipment Closets
Determine the location of the equipment closets where large cables can be
connected out into smaller ones. Determine locations of terminating resisters for
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) station circuits to be installed in equipment closets.
Determine External Trunk Locations
Determine where external trunk lines come into the building and be routed to the
equipment room. Determine where external trunk converters and adapters as
well as sneak-current fuse panels will be installed in the switch room (preferably
close or next to the cross connect fields).
Create a Provisioning Plan
Determine an appropriate available port circuit on the DEFINITY System for each
telephone, trunk, and peripheral connection needed, and, in addition, plan for
auxiliary power for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and certain display sets.
Create a provisioning plan to include the following (see the example on the
following page):
■ Station or trunk type or feature/service.
■ Building location (floor/room/desk/information outlet).
■ Extension number or trunk group and member number.
■ Port circuit location on the switch for each endpoint (DEFINITY System
Generic 3 cabinet/carrier/slot/circuit.
■ Route from switch room through equipment closets to each endpoint.
■ Auxiliary power supply, if required.