Set Required Country Options
September 1995 Issue 1
3. The default is Mu-Law. If your country uses A-Law companding, type
A-Law. If it uses Mu-Law and Mu-Law is displayed, go to Step 4 below.
Companding mode can be A-law or Mu-law. The switch should have been
shipped with the correct Tone Detector circuit packs for your country. If
you have TN420C you must use A-law. If you have TN748 or TN756 you
must use Mu-law. If you have TN2182, then your companding mode is
dictated by your local practices. Administering the correct companding
mode will turn off any red lights on these circuit packs or on the tone-clock
boards (for example TN780).
4. Press
ENTER when this information is correct.
Other items eventually need to be entered on this screen, but this is all that
must be done to turn the red alarm indication lights off. Refer to Table 7-1
for a list of the country codes.
change system-parameters country-options Page 1 of 21
Companding Mode: A-Law Base Tone Generator Set: 1
440Hz PBX-dial Tone? n Secondary-dial Tone? n
Digital Loss Plan: 1
Analog Ringing Cadence: 1 Set Layer 1 timer T1 to 30 seconds? n
Analog Line Transmission: 1
Tone Detection Mode: 5 Dial Tone Validation Timer
(msec): Interdigit Pause: