Plan and Prepare the Site
2-8 Issue 1 September 1995
Lay Out and Ensure Appropriate
Grounding is relatively simple for an AC-powered switch. First, connect the
cabinets to each other. Then, connect a single ground wire from the Processor
Port Network (PPN) to the approved protective ground.
Grounding of the system must comply with the general rules for grounding
contained in Article 250 of the National Electrical Code (NEC), National Fire
Protection Agency (NFPA) 70, or the applicable electric code in your country.
See Appendix A for a description of “approved ground.”
Connect Coupled Bonding Conductor
The Coupled Bonding Conductor connects to the single-point-ground-block and
runs adjacent to pairs in an associated telecommunications cable. The mutual
coupling between the bonding conductor and the pairs reduces potential
differences in terminating equipment. The conductor consists of a 10 AWG wire
that must be tie-wrapped to the inside wiring cable and terminated at the
coupled bonding conductor terminal bar at the switch cross-connect field.
Refer to Appendix F for wire conversion information.
Refer to Figure 4-9 on page 4-13 for an illustration of a Coupled Bonding
If the approved protective ground or approved floor ground can only be
accessed inside a dedicated power equipment room, you should have an
electrician make the connections to this ground.
Voice band noise from the battery plant to the system must
be less than 32 dBrnC (decibels above reference noise with
C-filter or -58 dBmp (decibels below 1 milliwatt
Grounding A single point ground must be maintained. A ground
conductor must be installed from the battery plant GROUND
DISCHARGE BAR to the closest “Approved Ground” via the
shortest and most direct route as required by the National
Electrical Code or applicable electrical code in your area.
The gauge must be no smaller than the largest conductor in
the System and larger than 6 AWG. Grounding between the
system cabinet and the battery plant should be connected
using the procedures given later in this chapter.
There must be adequate lightning protection in the battery
plant to insure that the system will not be damaged.
Parameter Requirements