Install and Connect the Cabinets
4-14 Issue 1 September 1995
System grounding shall comply with the general rules for grounding
contained in Article 250 of the National Electrical Code (NEC), National Fire
Protection Agency (NFPA) 70, or your applicable local electrical code. See
Appendix A for a description of “approved ground.”
Connect DC Power to Networks
Each port cabinet stack must have a DC Power Distribution Unit associated with
it. Each DC Power Distribution Unit furnishes DC power for four single-carrier
cabinets. The DC Power Distribution Unit comes equipped with four power
cords. Each 10 foot (3 meter) cord is equipped with the appropriate connectors.
Perform the following to connect each network to the DC Power Distribution Unit:
1. Connect 1 AWG wire for -48V and -48V return from DC Battery Plant to
each DC Power Distribution Unit.
2. At the J58890CG DC Power Distribution Unit, connect the power cable to
an available receptacle. Route the cable to the rear of Cabinet A.
Connect the power cord to the DC connector on the rear of Cabinet A.
3. Repeat Step 1 for Cabinets B, C, and D as required.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all remaining port cabinets.
Connect AC Power to DC Power Cabinet
Connect the AC power to the DC Power Cabinet by performing the following:
1. Ensure the associated circuit breakers at the AC power panel OFF.
2. Have an electrician connect AC power leads to the rectifiers using the
instructions provided with the rectifiers in the DC Power Cabinet. Each
rectifier should have its own branch circuit. Terminate leads on the AC
INPUT terminal block of each rectifier.
Test DC Power Plant
To test the DC power plant, refer to the Installation Test Procedure (ITP) in the
LINEAGE 2000 ECS Power System Battery Plant Product Manual
, 167-790-020.
Connect Stand-by Power
An external, commercial Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) or a battery
backup arrangement may be provided. Stand-by power is engineered to
customer needs depending on the size and configuration of the system.
The AT&T GBCS Power System is recommended; use the installation
instructions provided. See your AT&T representative for more information.