Overview and Roadmap
1-4 Issue 1 September 1995
4. Connect battery leads.
5. Connect AC power
DC power.
6. Locate and connect Time Division Multiplexer (TDM) Bus.
7. Locate and connect inter-cabinet cables, if system has duplicated Switch
Processor Elements (SPEs) in Processor Port Network (PPN) control
cabinets (high or critical reliability configurations).
8. Install fibre optic cables between port networks (if the system has more
than one cabinet stack).
9. Verify port cabinet address plugs.
10. Replace cabinet back panels.
11. Install ground plates.
12. Install cable clamps.
13. Install front plates (if needed for electromagnetic shielding and/or
earthquake protection
— see Appendix B, "Earthquake Protection
14. Install cabinet clip (if you do not have earthquake protection or
electromagnetic shielding).
Install Telecommunications Cabling
Complete this task by following the instructions provided in Chapter 5.
1. Install cross connect equipment.
2. Install cable slack manager.
3. Route cables from cabinet to cross-connect field.
4. Connect control carrier outputs cable.
5. Label cables.
6. Install trunk cables among network interface, sneak fuse or circuit
breaker panel, and switch cabinet.
7. Install coupled bonding conductor grounding.
Install Generic 3 Management Terminal (G3-MT)
Complete this task by following the instructions provided in Chapter 6.
1. Connect Management Terminal.
2. Set up Management Terminal.
3. Connect remote Management Terminal (if included).