3 Touch [Enter] .
NOTE: Removing the password deactivates the Outward Restriction
feature. To restore Outward Restriction, you need to create a new
4 To administer emergency telephone numbers, touch
[Emerg] .
5 Dial the entry number (0 through 9) of the telephone number on the
allowed list and touch
[Enter] .
6 Take the appropriate action:
➤ To add or change an entry, dial the telephone number (maximum of
12 digits) and touch
[Enter] .
To remove an existing number, touch
[Drop], and touch [Enter] .
7 To assign voice terminals to the Night Service Exclusion list or remove
them from this list, touch
[Exculde] .
8 Touch the Auto Intercom button of each voice terminal until the light next
to the button shows the appropriate code.
Green light on = voice terminal is on the Exclusion List
Green light off = voice terminal isn't on the Exclusion List
9 Take the appropriate action:
To administer Night Service with Time Set, touch
[More] and go to
step 2 of the following procedure.
If you’re finished administering Night Service, touch Conference to
administer another feature or leave administration mode.
Night Service with Time Set
Follow the steps below to administer Night
Service with Time Set. If you want Night Service to stay on for a full day
(a Sunday, for example), don‘t set a start time or a stop time for that day.
NOTE: If you have not set the MERLIN II system clock, follow the
procedures in
“Call Report” to set the time and date before you begin
to administer Night Service with Time Set. Follow those steps
whenever you need to reset the system clock (when Daylight Savings
Time goes into effect, for example).
1 From the administration menu, touch these buttons:
[More], [Night],
2 To set the time at which Night Service should go on, touch [Start] .
3 Dial the number for the day of the week for which you are setting a time.
(Sunday =0, Saturday =6).
4 Perform one of the following operations:
To remove the existing automatic start time for this day, touch
[Enter] .
To set or change the start time, dial two digits for the hour and two
digits for the minute, in the 24-hour format, then touch
[Enter] . (For
example, if you want Night Service to go on at 5:30 p.m., dial 1730).
2-118 MERLIN II System Features