This guide summarizes the administrative procedures described in Section 2,
For more information about a particular procedure, refer to the
entry for that feature.
Separate procedures are provided for the BIS-34D
console and the MERLIN II System Display Console.
Before you perform any of these procedures, be sure to record the change or
addition you’re making on your planning forms. These may include your
Master Planning Form, System Configuration Form, Station Configuration
Forms, and forms for optional system features such as Group Page.
If you have a BIS-34D console, some of the buttons take on different functions
when you’re in administration mode. For example, you touch
Recall to copy
assignments from one voice terminal to another and Message to designate
attendant consoles. If you have a MERLIN II System Display Console, place
the administration overlay over the console whenever you administer the
system. The overlay shows the buttons’ functions.
ENTER AND LEAVE To perform any of the procedures
mode by following these steps:
1 Slide the T/P switch on the left
listed in this guide, enter administration
side of the console to P.
2 Touch Conference twice to enter administration mode.
When you finish administering your system, leave administration mode by
sliding the T/P switch to the center position.
Introduction 3-1