3 Use the Hour and Min arrow keys to set the time at which you want the
alarm to sound. (The arrows pointing up raise the numbers, such as 10:30
to 11:30 or 10:30 to 10:31; the arrows pointing down lower the numbers,
such as 10:30 to 9:30 or 10:30 to 10:29.)
4 Touch EXIT to return to the Alarm Functions display.
Activating the Alarm
To set the alarm to go off at the time you have
1 At the Alarm Functions display, touch Alrm On to activate the alarm.
(A bell will appear to the right of the time.)
2 Touch Alrm Off to deactivate the alarm.
3 Touch EXIT to return to the Clock Functions display.
4 If you want to leave the Clock Functions display and return to the normal
call-handling display, touch Clock Functions.
Leave Word Calling
If you have programmed a Deliver Message button on your voice terminal,
you can send a message to someone with a display voice terminal that you
have called when the other person is away.
If you are using a display voice
terminal, you can use the other Leave Word Calling features to check the
identity of the callers and to have your voice terminal automatically return the
calls. If you have a display voice terminal, the following displays will help
you handle messages quickly and efficiently. If you are trying to send a
message to someone whose messagebox is already full, you see this message.
Message Box Full
If you have a BIS-34D, an SP-34D, or a 7406D voice terminal and your
Message light is on,
number from which
touch Message.
The display unit shows the intercom
you have received a call.
Call 17
You can return the call by using the Return Call feature, read the next
message by using the Next Message feature, delete the message from your
message box by using the Delete Message feature, and, if you have a 7406
display voice terminal, use the Scroll feature to read the second line of the
For more information about using the Scroll, Next Message, Return Call
(Reply), Delete Message, see “Leave Word Calling. ”
MERLIN II System Features