Although the system is factory-set to record incoming as well as
outgoing calls, the administrator can set the system not to record
The system is factory-set to record only outgoing calls that last at least
1 minute. However, the system administrator can change that setting
for a longer (up to 99 minutes) or shorter (as little as 10 seconds)
minimum duration.
If the administrator has assigned a System Speed Dial code to an
outside number, he or she can specify which of these numbers should
be printed on call reports and which should remain private. When the
administrator designates a System Speed Dial code as private or
“marked,” the 3-digit code (#60 through #99) is printed on the call
report in place of the telephone number. (See “System Speed Dial.”)
● A call report includes only the first 15 digits of a telephone number or
account code. If the number contains more than 15 digits, a “?” is printed
on the sixteenth position.
For both Call Report and Night Service, the administrator must set the initial
time and the date, and reset the time as needed, such as when daylight
saving times goes into effect.
For Call Report, the administrator has the
option of setting the type of calls and the minimum duration of a call that will
be reported.
Enter administration mode and follow the appropriate procedures below
set the time and date, if necessary, and to specify Call Report options.
Setting the System Time and Date with a MERLIN II System Display
From the administration menu, touch [System], [Mode], [Time] .
Dial two digits for the hour (00 through 23) and two digits for the minute
(00 through 59).
[Enter] .
[Date] .
Dial two digits for the month (01 through 12), two digits for the day (00
through 31), and two digits for the year (00 through 99).
[Enter] .
Touch Conference to return to the administration menu.
Setting the System Time and Date with a BIS-34D Console
1 Touch Message.
2 To set the current time, dial #300.
3 Dial two digits for the hour (00 through 23).
4 Dial two digits for the minute (00 through 59).
For example, if the time is 9:16
a.m., dial #300 09 16; if the time is
1:16 p.m., dial #300 1416.
Check the time shown on the display. If it
information again.
isn’t correct, enter the
MERLIN II System Features