terminals and basic telephones take on the ringing patterns of the host
● Behind-switch operation is a system type, equivalent to square, pooled,
and pooled with Automatic Route Selection. Therefore, a system set for
behind-switch operation cannot have line pools and cannot use Automatic
Route Selection.
● In the MERLIN 11 system,
“ #” is the first character in the dual codes used
to access various features. In behind-switch mode, however, users touch
# to signal the host switch while they are active on a call. If a user in a
behind-switch system needs to enter feature codes while active on a call,
he or she must program a Speed Dial Access button (see “Programming,”
below). He or she touches the button instead of touching #, then dials
the code.
● In systems set for behind-switch operation, there is no One-Touch
Transfer feature. People with MERLIN II system voice terminals can use
the Transfer with Voice Announcement and Call Park features, however,
if they program local Transfer and Camp On buttons, as shown below.
● Speed dial numbers programmed on the host switch appear on MERLIN II
system Call Reports (SMDR records as the code for the speed dial “ # “),
but aren’t subject to MERLIN II system Call Restriction.
● People using basic telephones in behind-switch systems can only access
their primary lines.
They can receive but cannot make intercom calls, and
they cannot use any MERLIN II system features.
To set your system for behind-switch operation, enter administration mode
and follow the appropriate procedure below.
With a MERLIN II System Display Console
1 From the administration menu, touch these
[More], [BehindSw].
You see the message “System is Re-starting,” and the
buttons [System], [Type],
administration menu reappears.
assign host system codes to fixed feature buttons, follow these steps:
Touch these buttons:
[More], [Options], [More], [BehindSw] .
Touch the appropriate button (
[Transfer], [Drop], or [Conference]).
Dial the host system code for the fixed feature,
To assign a host system access code to the button, dial the appropriate
code (up to 6 characters, including 0 through 9, *, #, Hold [pause],
and Recall). If you don’t dial a code, the button keeps the default
feature, Recall.
3 Touch Conference to return to the administration menu, or leave
administration mode.
To configure lines see
“Line Assignments in Behind-Switch Systems, ” in this
MERLIN II System Features