Abbreviated Ringing, 2-142 – 2-143, 3-41, 3-46
See also Ringing Options
Account Code Entry, 2-5, 2-50
Account Number Entry, 3-40, 3-45
error tone, 2-158
forced idle tone, 2-158
general procedures for, 2-3
Administration mode
instructions for entering, 2-3, 3-1
instructions for leaving, 2-3, 3-1
Administrator/Attendant Console with Display, 2-46,
2-49, 2-181
Allowed Lists, 2-6 – 2-8
assign access to voice terminals, method of, 3-9, 3-29
printout, 3-9, 3-29
setting up, 3-9, 3-13, 3-29, 3-34
voice terminal access to, 3-9, 3-29
Announced Intercom Calls, 2-76, 2-158, 2-159
Answering machines, 2-178
Attendant Barge-In, 2-8 – 2-9
Attendant console position, identification of, 3-2
Attendant position setting, 2-9 – 2-10
Auto Answer-All, 2-10-2-11, 2-178, 3-38, 3-45
Auto Answer-Intercom, 2-11 – 2-12, 2-180, 3-38, 3-44
Auto Intercom, 2-12 – 2-13, 2-76, 3-40, 3-45
Autodialers, 2-178
Automatic Line Selection, 2-13, 3-41
Automatic Route Selection, 2-14 – 2-19, 2-133, 2-134
procedures for, 3-6 –3-7, 3-27 – 3-28
Auxiliary Power Unit, 2-170, 2-180
Basic Telephone Module, 2-176
Basic Telephones, 2-19 – 2-20
with OPTI and BTMI, 2-171 – 2-174
Behind-Switch Line Configuration, Administering,
2-85 –2-89
Behind-Switch Operation, 2-20 – 2-23
BIS-10 voice terminal, 2-167, 2-180, 2-181
BIS-22 voice terminal, 2-167, 2-180, 2-181
BIS-34 voice terminal, 2-46, 2-49, 2-167, 2-180, 2-181
BIS-34D voice terminal with display, 2-49, 2-153, 2-167,
2-180, 2-181
BIS/HFAI Voice Terminal. See Voice Terminal Type
Bridging, 2-23
Call Coverage, 2-24 – 2-25
primary coverage, 2-59, 3-38, 3-44
secondary coverage, 3-38, 3-44
Call Distribution groups, getting a printout, 3-12, 3-33
Call Forwarding and Follow Me, 2-25 – 2-26
Call Park, 2-27, 2-158, 3-38, 3-45
Call Pickup, 2-28 – 2-29, 2-83, 3-39, 3-45
Call Pickup Groups, 2-29 – 2-30
Call Report, 2-30 – 2-33, 2-154
Call Report options
method of administering, 3-8, 3-29
printout, 3-8, 3-29
Call Restriction, 2-33 – 2-35
assignments, copy to voice terminal, 3-9, 3-29
Camp On, 2-35 – 2-37
Centralized Programming, 2-37 – 2-40
method of, 3-9, 3-29
Circuit Pack Modules, 2-176
800 Module, 2-176
400 Module, 2-176
408 Module, 2-176
012 Module, 2-176
008 Module, 2-176
008D Module, 2-176
Conference, 2-41-2-42, 2-74, 3-39, 3-45
Drop, 2-60
Control unit modules, 2-175 –2-176
Copying Line Pool and Line Assignments, procedures
for, 2-97
Cordless telephones, 2-178
Coverage Inhibit, 2-42, 3-39, 3-45
Data Calls, Simultaneous Voice and Data Calls,
2-146 – 2-147
Day, setting for Night Service with Time Set, 3-14, 3-34
Dial Access to Line Pools, 2-90 – 2-98, 2-127
assigning to voice terminals, 3-5, 3-26
Dialing Timeout, changing, 3-10, 3-32
Dialing Timeout Interval for rotary lines, 2-43 – 2-44
Direct Inward System Access, 2-44 – 245
Disconnect, 2-181
for the Display Console, 2-133
Disconnect interval for held calls, method of changing,
3-11, 3-33
Display, 2-46 – 2-58
Account Code Entry, 2-50
alarm for the Administrator/Attendant Console with
Display, 2-54
alarm for the MERLIN II System Display Console,
Call Coverage, 2-51
Caller ID, 2-51
Clock/Date for the 34-button BIS voice terminal, 2-51
Clock/Date for the Display Console, 2-52
Leave Word Calling, 2-55 – 2-56, 2-82, 2-114
number dialed, 2-56
timer for the BIS-34 voice terminal, 2-58
timer for the MERLIN II System Display Console,
2-54 – 2-58
timer for the 7406 Voice Terminal, 2-58
Transfer Return identification, 2-58
Display Console , 2-153
Do Not Disturb, 2-59, 3-41, 3-44
Drop, 2-60, 3-45
Extended Station Status, 2-60 – 2-63
5-Button voice terminal, 2-129, 2-143
Flexible Numbering, 2-63 – 2-67
Follow Me. See Call Forwarding and Follow Me
Forced Account Code Entry, 2-67 – 2-69
Forced idle signals, interpreting, 2-4
Frequency generator, 2-177
Index I-1