PQ-8P, PQ-8S
5.3 Parallel/Serial-Port Initialization
If you want to change the printer’s
configuration for shared printing
(e.g. set it to PostScript mode), use
the parallel/serial-port initialization
string (Host/PC download
command 56 or 58). Consult the
printer’s user’s guide for the ASCII
hex values representing the desired
configuration commands. Then
store these commands in the PQ-8’s
memory using Host/PC download
command 56 or 58 or the setup
After host printing is completed
and before the print job from the
shared port is sent to the printer,
the PQ-8 will send this initialization
string to the printer and configure
it according to your instructions.
However, the print job coming
through the shared port might
contain other printer instructions,
thus overriding the parallel/serial-
port initialization string.
5.4 Host Printing
Based on the IBM printer emulation
selected, you will have access to
all the features inherent in the
respective IBM printer the PQ-8
is emulating. In addition to the
features of the emulated IBM
printer, ASCII printers will often
have other capabilities that you can
take advantage of using Command
5.5 Host-Port Initialization
After shared printing, the PQ-8
reconfigures the printer according
to the active configuration settings.
If you want to further modify the
printer configuration (e.g select a
different font for all host printing),
take advantage of the host-port
initialization string. Unlike the
parallel/serial-port Initialization
String, which is usually overridden
by commands coming with the
PC/LAN print job, the host-port
initialization string is not sent to
the printer until after the PQ-8 has
reconfigured the printer for host
printing. In 3812 emulation, the Init
String is sent at the beginning of
each printed page. In all other
emulations, the Init String is sent at
the beginning of the first host print
5.6 Star-Panel Overdrive
For installations using twinax
cabling, the Star-Panel Overdrive
option should be set to OFF
(Host/PC download command 20
or the setup software).
If you have problems dropping off-
line when using a passive star panel
and twisted pair cabling, set the Star
Panel Overdrive to ON. This
increases the signal-driving capability
of the interface.