Control Panels, Control Centers, and Keypads | Easy Series | 9
IUI‑EZ1 Oval
Control Center
The user interface for the Easy Series Intrusion Control
Panel. It speaks in your local language while showing
animated, color-coded icons on the screen to reinforce the
spoken words. It includes a speaker and a microphone; the
speaker projects tones and speaks instructions, you use the
microphone to speak with monitoring facility personnel. For
core functions (protection level, silence, reset), you can
either use a proximity token or use keys to type in a PIN.
Use the function buttons to control volume; control chime
mode; add, delete, or change users; and sends alarms for
fire, police, or medical personnel.
Includes a bubble level tool to help you quickly and
accurately position the control center during installation.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE 1999/5/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/
EC; EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007, Class B;
EN 50130-4 w/A1:1998 + A2:2003;
EN61000-3-3:1995; EN 60950-1:2001;
Russia GOST 12997-84, 60065-2002, 50009-2000,
51317.3.2-99, and 51317.3.3-99
Region Certification
USA UL AMCX: Central Station Alarm Units
(UL1610, UL1635), AMCX7: Central
Station Alarm Units Certified for Canada
(cULus), AMTB: Control Panels, SIA False
Alarm Reduction, AOTX: Local Alarm Units
(UL464, UL609), AOTX7: Local Alarm
Units Certified for Canada (cULus), APAW:
Police Station Alarm Units (UL365,
UL464), APAW7: Police Station Alarm
Units Certified for Canada (cULus), APOU:
Proprietary Alarm Units (UL1076),
APOU7: Proprietary Alarm Units Certified
for Canada (cULus), NBSX: Household
Burglar Alarm System Units (UL1023),
NBSX7: Household Burglar Alarm System
Units Certified for Canada (cULus), UTOU:
Control Units and Accessories - Household
System Type (UL985), UTOU7: Control
Units and Accessories - Household System
Type Certified for Canada (cULus)
CSFM 7167-1615: 223
Ordering Information
IUI‑EZ1 Oval Control Center
Oval control center that includes a speaker,
microphone, function buttons, and a bubble
IUI‑EZ1-FM Flush Mount Kit
Flush mount kit for IUI-EZ1 Control Center.
www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.