k eActivity Guide Editing Techniques
u To edit a guide from the end
On the editing screen, press 5(PLAY)5( ).
u To insert SETUP or V-Window setting changes into a key operation
On the editing screen, display the location where you want to insert the setting change
operation, insert an n-key operation, and then input the change operation.
u To allow students to continue with their own operation after executing a
problem guide
Input an n-key operation with the example, and specify “No” for the exit strip option at the end
of the guide creation operation.
u To create a guide that starts with list data input
Use an AUTO operation for the list data input operation when creating a guide that starts with
list data input. Select “Ultra-fast” for the play speed of the data input. This will cause the data
to be input at very high speed when the guide is executed.
eActivity Guide