Data Communications Precautions
k Exchanging Data with another Model Calculator
• The graph line style data of this calculator is interchangeable with the line color data of
the CFX-9850.
• Sending the following type of data to a CFX-9850 will cause an error.
✗ All List, G-Mem, Pict, or F-Mem data, except for data numbers 1 through 6
CFX-9850 supports up to six List, G-Mem, Pict, and F-Mem data items only.
✗ More than 255 cells of List data
CFX-9850 supports up to 255 List cells only.
✗ Any List data that contains a complex number
CFX-9850 does not support complex number input.
• Attempting to send any of the following types of data to a CFX-9850 will not cause an
error, but the data will not be stored in CFX-9850 memory.
Table setting data
Recursion data
Financial data
Spreadsheet data
Add-in application data
Hard copy memory
Setup data
• Sending V-Window x -dot data to the CFX-9850 will cause the data to become corrupted.