Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
policy channel
A channel that can be set up by the dispatcher and configured as a designated
channel; that is, a channel that is always open to enable your interaction with the
A web programming paradigm for customizing the interface and functionality of
a client application.
A set of unique rules that specify a sequence of actions that are necessary to
perform a communications function.
Push-to-talk. A signal to a radio transmitter that causes the transmission of radio
frequency energy.
PTT channel
A channel consists of a single unidirectional or bidirectional path for sending
and/or receiving signals. In the Cisco IPICS solution, a channel represents one
LMR gateway port that maps to a conventional radio physical radio frequency
(RF) channel.
PTT channel button
The button on the PMC that you click with your mouse, or push, and hold to talk.
You can use the latch functionality on this button to talk on one or more channels
at the same time.
PTT channel group
A logical grouping of available PTT channels that can be used for categorization.
quality of service. A measurement of performance for a transmission system,
including transmission quality and service availability.
Represents a set of items that are arranged in sequence. Queues are used to store
events occurring at random times and to service them according to a prescribed
discipline that may be fixed or adaptive.
queuing delay
In a radio communication system, the queuing delay specifies the time between
the completion of signaling by the call originator and the arrival of a permission
to transmit to the call originator.