Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco IPICS Server Software
Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS
Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Figure 2-39 Refreshing the License Window
The license manager processes the new licenses and updates your total number of
licences in the Configured Licenses area of the Manage License window.
Step 8 If you uploaded a license for the ops views feature, you must restart the Tomcat
service before you can use ops views. To restart the Tomcat service, follow these
a. Log in to the Cisco IPICS server with root user privileges.
The Cisco Linux desktop displays.
b. To enter a CLI command, open a Cisco Linux terminal window by clicking
the Red Hat menu and choosing System Tools > Terminal.
A terminal window displays.
c. Enter the following command at the prompt:
[root] #/etc/init.d/ipics_tomcat restart
After stopping, and then again after starting, the Tomcat service, Cisco Linux
displays the message, [OK].
Note There may be a delay of a few minutes before users can access the
Administration Console after the Tomcat service restarts.
For more information on Cisco IPICS licenses and the ops views feature, refer to
the Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide.