Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS
Performing the Upgrade from a CD
Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Step 12 To upgrade Cisco IPICS, choose Upgrade. Then, click Next.
The Cisco IPICS installer displays the Preinstallation Summary. See Figure 3-6
for an example.
The Preinstallation Summary displays the following information:
• The product name and version
• The destination folder for the installation
• Disk space information, including:
The amount of space required for the installation
The available space on the disk
Figure 3-6 Preinstallation Summery
Step 13 To continue, click Next.
The installer prompts you to enter a new password for the informix user.
Step 14 Enter an informix password that is at least six characters in length. Then, press
The installer prompts you to re-enter the informix password.