Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Installation Overview
Cisco IPICS server software
Introduction This window provides introductory
information about the installation.
End User License Agreement This window allows you to review the
license agreement for the Cisco IPICS
server software.
Choice of the install set This step describes the three
installation options on the Cisco IPICS
installation CD and allows you to
choose one of the types.
Password change for the root
This step allows you to change the
default Cisco Linux password.
Password creation for the
ipicsadmin user
This step allows you to create a
password for the ipicsadmin user, who
has limited Cisco Linux privileges.
Password creation for the
informix user
This step allows you to create a
password for the informix user, who
has limited Cisco Linux privileges,
which are related to the Informix
database files and folders.
Preinstallation summary In this step, a window displays
information such as the version of
Cisco IPICS that you are installing, the
installation directory, and the disk
space requirement for the installation.
Package installation In this step, a window displays that
shows the progress of the installation
and what Cisco IPICS files the installer
is writing to the server.
Option to restart the server This step allows you to choose between
restarting the server immediately or at a
later time.
Installation CD Step Description