Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
A device capable of sending, receiving, or sending and receiving information
over a communications channel.
The number of bits, characters, or blocks passing through a data
communications system, or a portion of that system.
A joint effort between government and industry to develop voice and data
technical standards for the next generation of public safety radios.
tone control
The process of sending a 2175 Hz inband tone with voice transmission to control
receiving radios remotely. An inband tone can be used to control functions such
as frequency selection and channel monitoring.
transmit indicator
The indicator on the PMC that blinks red when traffic is being transmitted.
A physical and logical connection between two switches across which network
traffic travels. In telephony, a trunk is a phone line between two central offices
(COs) or between a CO and a PBX.
trunked (system)
Systems with full feature sets in which all aspects of radio operation, including
RF channel selection and access, are centrally managed.
trunked radio
Integrates multiple channel pairs into a single system. When a user wants to
transmit a message, the trunked system automatically selects a currently unused
channel pair and assigns it to the user, decreasing the probability of having to
wait for a free channel.