Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco IPICS Server Software
Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS
Managing Licenses with the Ops Views Feature
When the ops views feature is enabled on the server, the system displays a Cisco
Ops View entry under the Configured License area in the Administration Console
License window, along with the word “Licensed” to indicate that the ops views
functionality has been enabled. (When ops views is not enabled, this entry
displays “Not Licensed.”)
Note When ops views is not enabled, Cisco IPICS displays the number of available
licenses and concurrent usage information in the License browser window, which
does not reflect real-time data. The data that displays in this window shows the
usage at the time that the license window was last accessed. To view the most
current license information, make sure that you refresh your browser window
Tracking Your License Consumption
Cisco IPICS uses the following criteria to determine license consumption for
ports and PMC usage:
• Cisco IPICS Ports Usage—A configured channel or activated VTG consumes
a port license. After the channel is deleted or the VTG is deactivated, the
server releases the license and makes it available for use.
Cisco IPICS bases license usage for ports on the unique combination of a
multicast address and a location; that is, if a channel has two multicast
addresses that are assigned to the channel, two licenses are used. If one of the
multicast addresses is removed, the system releases one of the licenses so that
the port now consumes one license.
Note Be aware that an inactive VTG (VTG template) consumes a license
when a policy triggers (activates) that VTG. Therefore, if the number
of licenses has been exceeded, the policy will not be able to activate
the VTG. Make sure that the server has a sufficient number of licenses
available for the configuration of policies.
• Cisco IPICS PMC Usage—A PMC user consumes a license each time that the
user logs in to a PMC session.