7. Vector Charts
7.2.3 How to load S57 charts that are not fully compliant with the
IMO standards
The chart radar could in some cases load S57 charts that do not have full compliance with S57 standard coding for
transfer media. Minimum requirements for loading manually is legally coded:
• XXXXXXXX.000 file, which includes a base cell.
• XXXXXXXX.NNN file, in which NNN is a number from 001 to 999, and which includes an update.
To load charts without building a named "CD ROM catalogue" do the following:
1. Spin the scrollwheel to display Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the guidance area then push the right button.
2. Choose Load and Update Charts from the menu and Manual from the sub menu.
3. Select desired drive and charts.
4. When you are ready to load charts, click the Load Chart button.
5. The system may also make conversion into the SENC and setting of Display Until date automatically if you have
set up for them. This can take a few minutes.
7.3 S57 SENC Conversion Details
S57 charts from Hydrographic Offices are called ENCs. An ENC has to be converted into SENC format before it
can be used in the chart radar. The chart radar can convert ENC into SENC format automatically. If the conversion
is successful, the Failed SENC conversion window does not appear.
If the system fails to convert ENC into SENC or if the system detects a coding error in an ENC, the Failed SENC
conversion window appears with a list of failed ENCs. In this window you can choose any of the charts to see the
reason for failure in conversion.
Normally the conversion is initiated automatically when a chart is loaded. Section 7.2 How to Load S57 Charts
describes the loading process. Section 7.3.2 How to select automatic SENC conversion and display until date
describes how to choose automatic conversion. You can also initiate conversion from The SENC Convert window
or from a cell status window.
7.3.1 How to speed up SENC conversion
The SENC conversion speed depends about how many other tasks the system is occupied with. The system can
conduct SENC conversion in the background during any other system operations, but you can greatly lessen the time
for SENC conversion by doing the following:
1. Disable the radar.
a) Spin the scrollwheel to display Chart Display/Info/Standard Display in the guidance area then push the left
b) Click the right arrow tab to display the Standard page.
c) Uncheck Radar.
d) Click the X at the top right corner of the window to close the window.
2. Choose display mode (upper left corner on the status bar) as True Motion.
3. Spin the scrollwheel to display Set Chart Center/Info/Active Scroll in the guidance area then push the left
button. Set chart center so ship is off the screen or TM reset is OFF.
4. Set the scale to 1:1,000 by displaying Range+/ /Range- in the guidance area then pushing the appropriate button
to display 1:1,000.