FCR-2107(-BB,-D)/FCR-2807(-D) Series
SP - 2 E3559S01C-M
FCR-2117(-BB,-D)/2127(-BB,-D)/2817(-D)/2827(-D): 24 rpm or 42 rpm
FCR-2137S(-D)/2837S(-D): 21 rpm (50 Hz)/26 rpm (60 Hz)/45 rpm (High
Speed Craft)
FCR-2827W(-D): 24 rpm
FCR-2837SW(-D): 21 rpm (50 Hz)/26 rpm (60 Hz)
2.2 Transceiver
Frequency X-band: 9410 MHz ±30 MHz
S-band: 3050 MHz ±30 MHz
Output power
FCR-2117(-BB,-D)/2817(-D): 12 kW
FCR-2127(-BB,-D)/2827(-D): 25 kW
FCR-2137S(-BB,-D)/2837S(-D)/2837SW(-D): 30 kW
Unwanted emissions comply with ITU-R RR.
Pulselength, PL, PRR and range
Pulselength S1 S2 M1 M2 M3 L
PL (µs) 0.07 0.15 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.2
PRF (Hz) 3000* 3000* 1500 1000 1000 600**
0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 1.5
0.5, 0.75,
1.5, 3
0.75, 1.5,
3, 6
3, 6, 12,
3, 6, 12,
6, 12, 24,
48, 96
*: 2200 Hz with ARPA on 32 nm range **: 450 Hz on 96 nm range
IF 60 MHz
Noise figure X-band: 6 dB, S-band: 4 dB
Duplexer Ferrite circulator with diode limiter:
Ferrite circulator with TR limiter:
2.3 Display-related specifications
Minimum range 20 m w/raw video + 0-2 m w/digitize error
Range discrimination 20 m w/raw video + 0-6 m w/digitize error
Range scales (nm), range ring interval
0.125 (.025), 0.25 (0.05), 0.5 (0.1), 0.75 (0.25), 1.5 (0.25), 3
(0.5), 6 (1), 12 (2), 24 (4), 48 (8), 96 (16)
Range accuracy Within 1% or 10 m, whichever is greater
Bearing discrimination 1.5° (XN20AF), 1.2° (XN24AF), 2.5° (SN30AF), 2.0° (SN36AF)
Bearing accuracy ±1°
Radar map Route, coastline, buoy, etc. 20,000 pts. in radar mode, 6,000
pts. in chart mode (using IC card)
ARPA/ATA Acquisition: 0.1-32 nm, 100 targets (auto and/or manual,
selectable from menu)
Vector time: 7 times (OFF to 30 m)
Time from acquisition to display: within 60 s at 24 rpm
Trail maneuver available
AIS Complies with IMO SN CIRC. 217, IEC60936-5
Max. no of targets 200 targets; Safety messages: 100
Safety msg input Address-specific, all ships
Data display Ship's name, call sign, L/L, range, heading, course, speed,
CPA/TCPA, BCR/BCT, ROT, IMO no., MMSI no, etc.