9. Chart Alerts
9.1 Chart Alerts
Official S57 chart material contains depth contours that can be used for calculation of chart alerts. A chart database
also includes different types of objects that the operator can use for chart alerts. The procedure for setting chart
alerts is outlined below.
1. Choose suitable safety contour for your own ship. See section 9.1.1 How to select safety contour.
2. Check that "Chart Alerts" is set for display. See section 9.1.3 How to highlight chart alert areas. If you want
chart alerts to be included in some other objects or areas, choose them for indication or alert. See section 9.1.2
How to select objects used in chart alerts.
3. In the route plan mode, define a new route or choose an existing one. Make a chart alert calculation of the route
if there are indications of danger areas in the route. For more information, see section 9.4 Route Planning.
Modify your route if necessary and do the chart alert calculation again.
4. Choose route as monitored route.
5. Set watch sector for your own ship.
The system is now ready for chart alert calculation of monitored route and estimated own ship position.
9.1.1 How to select safety contour
User has to choose safety depth suitable for the own ship. To choose suitable depth, do the following:
1. Spin the scrollwheel to display Chart Display/Info/Standard Display in the guidance area then push the left
2. If the Chart page is not displayed, click the triangle mark to display it.
3. Enter desired depth in the Safety contour field.
Note: If the chart does not contain chosen depth contour, the system will automatically choose next deeper contour.
In the example above the safe water depth is set for 30 m.
9.1.2 How to select objects used in chart alerts
You can also include calculation areas that have to be noted when sailing (for example, restricted areas). To include
these areas in chart alerts, do the following:
1. Spin the scrollwheel to show Menu/Info/Chart Menu in the guidance area then push the left button.
2. Choose Initial Settings from the menu then push the scrollwheel.
3. Put the cursor on the triangle inside the Initial Settings dialog box to open the Initial Settings menu.
4. Choose Chart Alert parameters then push the scrollwheel.
5. Click the Chart Alerts tab to show the Chart Alerts dialog box. In the Ignore box at the top of the window, use
the left button to click the alert item you wish to process.