4. Tracked Target (TT) Operation
4.6.2 How to manually acquire a target
From the control unit w/keyboard
1. Use the trackball to put the cursor on the target you want to acquire.
2. Push the ACQ key.
By trackball
1. With the cursor inside the effective display area, spin the scrollwheel to show "Tgt Acquire" in the guidance
2. Use the trackball to put the cursor on the target you want to acquire.
3. Push the left button to acquire the target.
The plotting symbol is drawn by broken lines during the initial acquisition stage. A vector appears in about one
minute after acquisition indicating the target's motion trend. If the target is consistently detected for three minutes,
the plotting symbol changes to a solid circle. If acquisition fails, the target symbol blinks.
Immediately after acquisition, this plotting symbol is shown in broken lines.
Within one minute after acquisition, a vector appears to show a trend of
Within three minutes after acquisition, the plotting symbol changes to a small
circle, indicating steady-state tracking condition.
Note 1: For successful acquisition, the target to be acquired should be within 0.1 to 24 nm (or 32 nm, depending on
initial setting) from own ship and not obscured by sea or rain clutter.
Note 2: When the capacity for manual acquisition is reached, the message "TT MAN ACQ 100% full" is displayed
at the screen bottom. Cancel tracking of non-threatening targets if you wish to acquire additional targets manually.
Target Swap
When a target being tracked nears another
target being tracked, the targets may be
"swapped". When two targets acquired
either automatically or manually come close
to each other, one of the two may become
a Lost Target. Should this happen, manual
re-acquisition of the Lost Target may be
required after the two have separated.