8. Manual Updates
8.4 How to Use Manual Update Editor w/Orange Symbols
The manual update editor has the choices shown below and you can choose one
by choosing Manual Updates from the Chart menu.
• Planning: Operate with new manual updates.
• Undo Last: Remove last accepted manual update planning session. By
repeating Undo Last you can remove any amount of old manual update
planning sessions.
• Clear: Remove all manual updates in a single operation.
• Backup and Restore: Make a backup or recall already recorded backup.
8.4.1 Manual update planning
The manual update editor operates in sessions. You create a session when you activate the Manual Update Planning
dialog box, displayed by choosing Manual Update from the Chart menu followed by Planning from the sub menu.
You can freely delete, modify, copy or create chart objects until you feel finished with your session. Then, you
terminate your session by clicking the Accept Manual Updates as Permanent button then the chart radar stores
your manual updates permanently. If you need to leave your manual update session and discard all modifications
made during the current session, click X in upper right corner.
Note: The manual update editor is only available in the North Up or Course Up orientation mode.
New, Copy, Modify, Delete: These buttons are used to collect chart objects into a list shown in the Manual Update
Planning dialog box for further editing during current session of manual update planning. New creates an object
from scratch. Copy creates an object using an existing object as an example. Modify changes an existing object.
Delete removes an existing object.
Remove from List: If you made a manual update by mistake, you can remove it if you haven't accepted it yet as
permanent. You can remove it by choosing (highlighting) that chart object in the List then clicking the Remove
from List button.
Edit Properties: You can edit properties of a chosen (highlighted) chart object by using the Edit Properties button.