A/C RAIN control, 2-13
A/C SEA control, 2-12
ACQ key, 4-6
Add Frame button, 7-24
activating targets, 5-7
activating, deactivating, 5-3
alerts, 5-26
association, 5-18
controls for, 5-2
CPA auto activation, 5-12
CPA, TCPA, 5-11
danger alarm, 5-11
display on/off, 5-3
introduction, 5-1
lost target alarm, 5-15
outlimes, 5-14
own ship info, 5-21
past association of TT and, 5-18
past position display, 5-16
past position display attributes, 5-17
past position interval, 5-16
past position points, 5-16
ROT, 5-14
safety message, creating, 5-23
safety message, introduction, 5-22
safety message, reading, 5-24
safety message, replying to, 5-25
saving past target track, 16-8
sleeping target activation, 5-8
sleeping targets, 5-8
symbol brilliance, 5-13
symbol color, 5-14
symbols, 5-4
target activation, 5-7
target data, 5-20
detailed, 5-10
general, 5-9
target filter, 5-5
vectors, 5-18
ALARM ACK key, 2-35, 4-20, 5-15
Alarm level, 1-15
Alert queue, 20-1, 20-3
alert queue, 20-3
chart, 20-14
chart calculation generated, 20-2
doubtful integrity, 20-5
external sensor, 20-20
general, 1-16
log, 16-13
navigation alerts, 20-6
navigation calculation generated, 20-2
navigation radar generated, 20-2
position discrepancy, 15-6
priority, 20-4
radar, 20-15
routes, 11-10
safety contour, 9-2
sensor related, 15-18
Alerts page, 10-6, 11-6
Anchor watch
chart radar, 18-1
radar, 2-43
information, 2-36
presetting, 2-37
selecting, 2-38
ANTENNA box, 2-36
Antenna rotation, stopping, 1-4
Approve until date, 7-63
Area page, 12-13
AUTO RAIN control, 2-13
chart material, 14-5
chart material restoration, 14-6
loading files of former vector system format,
user chart and routes files of former vector
system, 14-3
Battery replacement, 22-4
Bearing measurement (radar), 2-17
Brill box, 1-4
BRILL control, 1-4
monitor, 1-4
presets for, 2-40
screen data, 2-34
CCRP, 2-41
CD ROM catalogue removal, 7-11
CD ROM dialog box, 7-9
Cell details, 7-78
Cell status, 7-78
Cell status window, 7-79
Chart alerts
alerts by category, 9-11
alerts leg by leg, 9-10
areas, 9-4
attributes, 9-5
highlighting, 9-4
list of, 20-14
objects for use in, 9-3
own ship check, 9-7
route monitoring, 9-12
route planning for, 9-9