
General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Chapter 1: Configuration Tables
The C3000/C0300 DPA is configured by means of the tables, which contain all of its
configuration data.
The purpose of each configuration table is described in the following table:
Table Name
A016_COM This table contains parameters related to communication ports. One record is entered for each port the
application uses.
A016_XRF This table contains the cross-reference parameters between A016
LRU records and LRU addresses. One
record is entered for each LRU to be addressed.
A016_LRU This table contains parameters related to LRUs. One record is entered for each LRU in the system.
A016_GRP This table contains parameters related to groups of points in LRUs. One record is entered for each data
group on an LRU.
A016SCAN This table contains parameters related to scan sections within groups. One record is entered for each scan
section in a group.
A016_DI This table contains parameters to customize the use of status input points in the system. One record is
entered for
each status input point used.
A016_AI This table contains parameters to customize the use of analog input points in the system. One record is
for each analog input point used.
A016_ACC This table contains parameters to customize the use of accumulator input points in the system. One record
is entered for each accumulator input point used.
A016_TC This table contains parameters to customize the control out put points used for Trip or Close requests.
One record is entered for each Trip/Close point used.
A016_RL This table contains parameters to customize the control out put points used for Raise or Lower requests.
One record is entered for each Raise/Lower pair used.
A016_SP This table contains parameters to customize the analog and binary control output points used for
Setpoint requests. One record is entered for each setpoint used.
Table 1 Name and Description of Tables Used