
General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Chapter 2: Configuration the Port
Configuration Table (A016_COM)
The A016_COM table provides information for communication ports, which are used by the
C3000/C0300 DPA. It contains one record for each communication port configured to customize
the communications related settings for the C3000/C0300 DPA. The fields contained in the table
are described in the table below:
Table 2. C3000/C0300 A016_COM Configuration Table
Field Range Description
Port ID COM1 – COM7 ASCII name which defines the communication port name in the device.
Baud Rate 110, 300, 600, 1200,
1800, 2400, 4800,
7200, 9600
A016-1 DPA actual baud rate cannot be changed and is set to 9600 baud.
However, this setting can be used to change the RTS on time (pre
transmission delay).
RTS on time =
Pre-TX Char * 8000 / Baud Rate.
Default setting should be 9600.
Pre-TX Char 0 to 500 The number of Mark characters (8 bits of 1 = 0xFF), which is sent prior to
each message transmission. Note that the last character send prior to each
message is 0xFE to provide a start Space for master synchronization.
Post-TX Char 0 to 500 The number of Space characters (8 bits of 0 = Chars 0x00), which is sent
immediately after each message transmission before dropping the carrier.
TPTM Bias -32767 to 32767 The fine tuning (in 0.5 milli-seconds) of the remote turnaround delay time
that allows time compatibility with different systems.
TRX Bias -32767 to 32767 The fine tuning (in 0.5 milli-seconds) of the remote time at end of received
message that allows time compatibility with different systems.
Comm Fail Output Point
Any valid system
Digital Output point
or Undefined (-1).
The system control DO point number, which is to be latched on when
communications fail. The control point is in the on state (contact closed)
when communications have failed, and in the off state (contact open)
when communications are restored. The high entry limit is confined to the
highest control point number configured in the system. The feature can be
disabled by setting this to Undefined (-1).