
GE Power Systems
Custom ABB C3000/C0300 DPA
Configuration Guide
A016-1CG-1.00-2 General
Field Range Description
Divisor 1 to 35000
The divisor used in converting the value of the system analog input point
associated with this record entry to a C3000/C0300 protocol value via the
C3000/C0300 value = (AI value * range / divisor) + offset
The typical entry is 32767, the full-scale value of WIN database.
Offset -5000 to 5000
The offset used in converting the value of the system analog input point
associated with this record entry to a C3000/C0300 protocol value via the
C3000/C0300 value = (AI value * range / divisor) + offset
The typical entry is 00 for no offset.
Dead Band 1 to 5000 If the C3000/C0300 protocol value of the system analog input point
associated with this record entry changes by more than the dead band limit
between master scans, the appropriate bit in the CONITEL polling word is
Alarm Limit 0 to 5000 If the C3000/C0300 protocol value of the system analog input point
associated with this record entry exceeds the range of the alarm limit; the
appropriate bit in the CONITEL polling word is set.