GE Power Systems
Custom ABB C3000/C0300 DPA
Configuration Guide
A016-1CG-1.00-2 General
Field Range Description
Echo Master
SOE Poll Word
Terminal Status Word
MCD Status Data
Non-MCD status Data
Analog Data
Accumulator Data
Used to select the different types of data that can be returned in a scan selection. The
first selection of all scan groups must be defined as Echo Master.
Spare replies to the master station as all zeros.
Entry is either ignored,
or entry is a valid
System point, depending
on the Section Type.
Echo Master: Section offset entry is ignored.
CONITEL Poll Word: Section offset entry is ignored.
SOE Poll Word: Section offset entry is ignored.
Terminal Status Word: Section offset entry is ignored.
Spare: Section offset entry is ignored.
MCD Status Data: The Section Offset entry defines the zero based offset
from the first entry in the A016_DI table. The A016_DI
table is described in a later chapter.
Non-MCD status Data: The Section Offset entry defines the zero based offset
from the first entry in the A016_DI table. The A016_DI
table is described in a later chapter.
Analog Data: The Section Offset entry defines the zero based offset
from the first entry in the A016_AI table. The A016_AI
table is described in a later chapter.
Accumulator Data: The Section Offset entry defines the zero based offset
from the first entry in the A016_ACC table. The
A016_ACC table is described in a later chapter.
Table 7 A016SCAN Table Fields