
GE Power Systems
Custom ABB C3000/C0300 DPA
Configuration Guide
A016-1CG-1.00-2 General
Field Range Description
Lower DO Point
Any valid system Digital
Output point or Undefined (-1).
The system control output point number which is used as the destination
for a LRU Lower control point. The high entry limit is confined to the
highest system control output point configured in the system. Entering
Undefined (-1) disables Lowering of the protocol point corresponding
to this record.
Lower Base
0 to 30000
This is the base duration, in milli-seconds, used to specify how long the
control output contact is to operate for when a Lower is requested for
the protocol point corresponding to this record, via the formula:
pulse duration = (inc. duration * mult.) + base duration
where the inc. duration is also configurable and the mult. factor is
specified in the master Raise/Lower request.
Lower Inc.
1 to 30000
This is the incremental duration, in milli-seconds, used to specify how
long the control output contact is to operate for when a Lower is
requested for the protocol point corresponding to this record, via the
pulse duration = (inc. duration * mult.) + base duration
where the base duration is also configurable and the mult. factor is
specified in the master Raise/Lower request.
NOTE: The Raise/Lower command operates in the Pulse mode. The same relay number
may be entered for both the Raise point and the Lower point if desired, but
normally two different point relays are used. The C3000/C0300 DPA ensures that
the Raise point relay is off before operating the Lower point relay, and vice versa.
The WESDAC control board hardware must be configured to correspond to this
mode of operation.