
General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Chapter 9: Configuration the
C3000/C0300 DPA A016_ACC Table
This chapter describes entries the user must provide in the A016_ACC table found in the
C3000/C0300 DPA configuration.
The A016_ACC table provides information for system accumulator input points, which are used
by the C3000/C0300 DPA. The table contains one record for each system accumulator input
point to customize the usage of the point. The fields contained in the table are described in the
following table:
Field Range Description
ACC Point
Any valid system
Accumulator Input point
or Undefined (-1).
The system accumulator input point number, which is used as the source for a
scan section. The high entry limit is confined to the highest system accumulator
input point configured in the system. Entering -1 causes the LRU to always
return a zero value for this point as it is not mapped to a real system
accumulator input point.
12 bit Accumulator
Upper 12 bits
Lower 12 bits
Sets the accumulator to indicate that this record entry is either the top (Upper
12 bits) or bottom part (Lower 12 bits) of a 24 bit accumulator. Setting to 12
bit Accumulator indicates that the whole accumulator is only 12 bits long.
Freeze Enable
Yes or No
No indicates that master requests for accumulator freeze does not cause
transfer of running count buffer to frozen count buffer, Yes otherwise.
Yes or No
No indicates that master requests for accumulator freeze with reset does not
cause zeroing of the running count buffer, Yes otherwise.
Transition, Pulse
Pulse indicates that pulse counting method is used in providing values to the
master station. Transition indicates that transition counting method is used in
providing values to the master station. Note that two transitions (changes of
state) of the accumulator input point is counted as a pulse.
Counter Source
Frozen buffer, Running
Indicates if the running or frozen buffer is used in providing values to the
master station.
Table 10 A016_ACC Table Fields