4. Verify the list of providers installed and their status by entering the following command:
This displays output similar to the following:
OperatingSystemModule OK
ComputerSystemModule OK
ProcessModule OK
IPProviderModule OK
EventIndicationConsumerModule OK
EMSWrapperProviderModule OK
HPVMSLANIndicationProviderModule OK
StateChangeIndicationProviderModule OK
ChassisProviderModule OK
cpuprovidermodule OK
MemoryModule OK
FirmwareRevisionProviderModule OK
MPProviderModule OK
EnclosureProviderModule OK
HPHealthStateProviderModule OK
HPVMSLANProviderModule OK
CSChassisProviderModule OK
HPVMProviderModule OK
HP_UtilizationProviderModule OK
To configure WBEM Providers for OpenVMS, follow the directions provided in the HP WBEM
Providers Installation and Administrator's Guide, available in the
disk. For the latest information, see the following website and select the appropriate link:
NOTE: HP recommends that you do not remove the WBEM Providers for OpenVMS product
even if you do not have a need for it. If you attempt to use the PRODUCT REMOVE command
to remove this product, you might see a message similar to the following. This message is
automatically displayed for any product that is required with OpenVMS; the consequences of
removing WBEM Providers for OpenVMS might not be as severe as implied by the message
unless other software (such as HP SIM) is using the product on your Integrity servers.
%PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS WBEMPROVIDERS V2.0 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.4
The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency.
If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the
referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have
an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly.
Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements.
Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command.
However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then
answer NO to continue the operation.
Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
7.9.7 Configure the Instant Capacity Software (Optional; Integrity servers only)
Instant Capacity (iCAP) software is supported on cell-based Integrity servers. For support of
this software, as well as Temporary Instant Capacity (TiCAP) , you must configure WBEM
Services for OpenVMS.
146 After Installing or Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System