
and satellite booting. For satellite booting, the boot server is part of an OpenVMS Cluster; it
includes either a MOP server (for OpenVMS Alpha systems) or a BOOTP/TFTP server (for
OpenVMS Integrity server systems), and a disk server for the satellite system disk.
See also InfoServer, satellite node.
bootstrap See boot.
CDSA Common Data Security Architecture. A multiplatform, Open Source security infrastructure.
CDSA provides a stable, standards-based programming interface that enables applications to
access operating system security services. With CDSA, you can create cross-platform,
security-enabled applications. Beginning with Version 2.2, CDSA includes support of Secure
Delivery and HRS (Human Recognition Service Standard). CDSA is automatically installed
with the operating system. For more information about CDSA, see the HP Open Source Security
for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture manual.
See also Secure Delivery, HRS.
cell Also known as a cell board: a circuit board that is the basic building block of an nPartition in
a server complex (such as any HP midrange and high-end Integrity servers). A cell consists of
a symmetric multiprocessor and memory.
See also cell-based server, nPartition, server complex, virtual partition.
cell-based server A server in which all cores and memory are contained in cells, each of which can be assigned
for exclusive use by an nPartition. Each nPartition runs its own instance of an operating system.
See also cell, nPartition, server complex, virtual partition.
CI Computer interconnect. A type of I/O subsystem. It links computers to each other and to HSx
devices (for example, an HSJ or HSG).
See also CI-only cluster, DSSI.
CI-only cluster A computer system consisting of several computers attached to a computer interconnect (CI)
through which it communicates with other computers in the cluster. These computers share a
single file system. CI provides redundant paths.
See also computer interconnect (CI), DSSI-only cluster.
Common Data
complex See server complex.
See CI.
The entire OpenVMS Cluster is shut down and unusable while upgrading each system disk.
When the cluster reboots, all cluster members start up the upgraded version of the OpenVMS
operating system.
core The actual data processing engine within a processor. A single processor might have multiple
cores, and a core might support multiple execution threads. Also referred to as a logical CPU.
core I/O Provides the base set of I/O functions required by every nPartition on cell-based Integrity
servers. Includes the partition console interface and the network interface.
See also cell, cell-based server, nPartition.
Data Center
DCOE Data Center Operating Environment. The tier of the Operating Environment for OpenVMS for
Integrity servers that offers everything offered by the Base Operating Environment (BOE) plus
other capabilities such as system management capabilities, OpenVMS Cluster software, and
volume shadowing.
See also BOE, OE.
DECnet Phase IV Networking software that allows OpenVMS systems to participate in network task-to-task
communications to transfer and copy files, print files, and run applications. DECnet Phase IV
networking capabilities are defined in the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) Phase IV. A
system-integrated product, DECnet for OpenVMS Integrity servers is a component of the Base
Operating Environment (BOE) on the Integrity servers license bundle.
326 Glossary