....There are post-installation tasks you must complete.
HP I64VMS DWMOTIF V1.7: DECwindows Motif
If a Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.
20. Finish Installation onto System Disk – Review and Confirm Options: When you have
answered all the prompts and selected the options you want installed, the procedure displays
information about the products you have selected. The procedure allows you to review your
selections and make changes if necessary, then installs the product, provides informational
messages, and returns you to the original menu.
First, you are asked whether you want to review the options:
Do you want to review the options? [NO]
If you answer YES, the procedure displays all the selected options and suboptions, similar
to Example 3-1. If you answer NO, the installation continues as described with the sample
script (beginning with "Execution phase starting ...") that follows.
Example 3-1 Component Options and Suboptions
DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager
Support for DECnet-Plus or DECnet for OpenVMS
Programming Support
Debugger Utility
Image Dump Utility
Macro libraries
Macro-32 Migration Compiler
TLB intermediary form of STARLET
C Object Libraries
C Header Files
VMS text libraries of Ada declarations
RMS Journaling Recovery Utility
System Programming Support
Delta Debugger
System Dump Analyzer Utility
Miscellaneous Symbol Table Files
OpenVMS Management Station Software -- PC files
Phone Utility
Error Log Generator Utility
XPG4 Internationalization Utilities
World Wide PostScript Printing Subsystem
Bliss Require Files
Example Files
Message Facility Files (HELP/MESSAGE)
Translated Image Support
UETP Files
DECwindows Server Support
Delete any obsolete OpenVMS files
Delete files archived by OpenVMS remedial kits
1 1
Alpha only
The component options listed in Example 3-1 are included within the OpenVMS Version
8.4 operating system. Except as noted, these options apply to both OpenVMS Alpha and
Integrity server systems. Depending on the products you chose to install with the operating
system, additional components are included as well. After the procedure displays all selected
options and suboptions, you are prompted as follows:
3.4 Installing the OpenVMS Operating System on to a System Disk 71