Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-30 Applied Biosystems
Active Range Thresholds
NOTE: These settings apply to the Detection Range selected, and override the
Global Thresholds specified on the Basic Settings tab (described on page 3-19).
%BP Intensity See “%Base Peak Intensity” on page 3-20.
%Max Peak Area See “%Max Peak Area” on page 3-20.
Minimum Intensity Specifies the absolute peak intensity below which peaks are
not detected. Calculated relative to zero.
NOTE: Maximum possible intensity for Mariner data is
11,000 counts (spectrum that has not been accumulated or
summed), and for Voyager data is 66,000 counts.
NOTE: This parameter was previously named Absolute
Minimum Area Specifies the peak area below which peaks are not detected.
Calculated relative to peak valleys.
Hint: Display the peak list to determine the appropriate area
value to enter.
Noise Threshold Used to determine peak boundaries. Click the field, then
right-click-drag over a segment of the trace to automatically
For more information, see “Process that Occurs During Peak
Detection, Centroiding, and Integration” on page 3-67.
Table 3-4 Advanced Settings (Spectrum Data Only) (Continued)
Parameter Description