Data Explorer Software User’s Guide Index-3
Bar mode, traces 1-28
BAS files for macros 6-43
Base mass, labeling peaks 3-55, 3-56
Base peak intensity
definition 4-2
scaling to 2-12
threshold for peak detection,
chromatogram 3-20
threshold for peak detection,
spectrum 3-22, 3-30
changing line width 1-26
displaying on trace 3-55, 3-58
Baseline correction
chromatogram 4-29
spectrum 5-47
spectrum, advanced 5-48
Baseline offset
chromatogram 4-27
spectrum 5-45
Basic peak detection parameters
description, chromatogram 3-19
description, spectrum 3-22
resetting 3-18
setting, chromatogram 3-11
setting, spectrum 3-13
Basics of the Data Explorer
software 1-1, 1-2
in chromatogram header 2-30, 4-29
in spectrum header 2-31, 5-47
BIC files
see also Instrument settings
description 1-6
exporting from DAT 1-36
exporting from RSD and RCD 1-36
Binning data, graphic
compression 1-28
in chromatogram header 2-30
in spectrum header 2-31, 5-46
BP Relative% label on data cursor 1-27
see also Base peak intensity
in chromatogram header 2-30
in spectrum header 1-13, 2-32
CAL files
see also Calibration constants
applying 5-16, 8-20
description 1-7
exporting during calibration 5-16
exporting from DAT 1-36
importing 5-16, 8-20
importing, error displayed 9-11,
PSD, creating 8-20
PSD, overview of creating 8-10
saving 5-16
Calculator tools
elemental composition 6-2
Ion Fragmentation 6-25
isotope 6-13
mass resolution 6-20
signal-to-noise ratio 6-23
Calibrating mass, automatic (Mariner
data only)
see also Calibration constants
applying settings to other data
files 5-29
batches of related samples 5-29
calibration reference file
(REF) 5-17
calibration settings 5-29
commands dimmed on menu 9-11
constants, calculating A and B 5-34
error, fit 5-12
error, initial 5-12
overview 5-26
peak weighting factor 5-33
results 5-35