Chapter 8 Viewing Voyager PSD Data
8-22 Applied Biosystems
NOTE: This selection determines the mass type specified
for the reference masses in the calibration reference file.
Use a calibration reference (.REF) file that specifies the
peak type for reference masses as Resolved Isotope
Mass (even if they are not resolved isotopes). The
calibration routine checks peak width to determine if a
peak matches a Resolved Isotope Mass or an Average
mass. If narrow peaks are specified as Average
Masses in the calibration reference file, the software
mistakes these narrow peaks as isotopically resolved
and ignores the reference mass. For more information
on creating calibration reference files, see
Section 5.3.3, Creating or Modifying a
Calibration Reference File (.REF).
4. Click Induce Fragmentation.
Results are listed in the ions table, and fragment ions
are labeled if they are present in the spectrum.
5. Click Create Reference File.
A Save As dialog box is displayed.
6. Name and save the calibration reference file.
Hint: PSD calibration reference files are named with an
.REF extension. When you create PSD calibration
reference files, include a _PSD suffix when you name
files to help you distinguish them from non-PSD
calibration reference files.
Hint: Calibration reference files are ASCII text files.
You can delete unwanted fragment ion entries using
Microsoft Notepad.