
Chapter 1 Data Explorer Basics
1-12 Applied Biosystems
Toolbar The toolbar contains buttons that access Data Explorer
For a description of a toolbar button, place the cursor on the
button. A brief description of the button (ToolTip) is displayed
below the button.
For information on adding or removing toolbar buttons, see
Customizing toolbars on page 1-21.
and Spectrum
Refer to the following tables for descriptions of the types of
data that you can display in the Chromatogram (CHRO) and
Spectrum (SPEC) windows:
Mariner dataTable 1-3
Voyager dataTable 1-4
Table 1-3 Mariner Data Displayed in Chromatogram and Spectrum Windows
Window Mariner Data
CHRO Displays:
Total Ion ChromatogramIncludes the entire mass range saved in
the data file.
Extracted Ion Chromatogram (XIC) (optional)Includes only the
signal response from a mass window or range
Constant Neutral Loss Chromatogram (CNL) (optional)Extracts
only the response from peaks that are separated by a selected mass
Optionally displays the following from Diode Array data (DAD):
Total Absorbance Chromatogram (TAC)
Channel (Ch)
Extracted Absorbance Chromatogram (XAC)
Can be displayed as % Intensity versus Retention Time or Spectrum
number by selecting Traces from the Display menu, then selecting
X Axis In, then selecting Spectrum Number or Time.