
Chapter 4 Examining Chromatogram Data
4-6 Applied Biosystems
4. In the Extracted Ion Chromatogram dialog box (Figure 4-1
on page 4-7), select one of the following from the Mass
Range/Difference Type drop-down list:
Center/Window, then type the mass of
interest and the mass window for masses to
NOTE: When analyzing multiple components with
similar masses, set a Window of less than 0.5 to
include only the mass of interest.
Range, then type the From and To values for
masses to include.
NOTE: To improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the
extracted ion chromatogram, set the starting
range above the low-mass solvent ions.
NOTE: For more information on Constant Neutral Loss
chromatograms, see Section 4.2.2, Creating a Constant
Neutral Loss (CNL) Chromatogram.