Using the Polymer Analysis Toolbox
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide C-15
C.6 Using the
Polymer Analysis Toolbox
Use the Polymer Analysis Toolbox to determine the following
values that define the molecular distribution of a polymer:
• M
Number average molecular weight
• M
Weight average molecular weight
• M
z-average molecular weight
• M
Polydispersity Index
The Polydispersity Index represents how widely dispersed the
polymeric distribution is. A lower value (for example, 1.02)
indicates a narrowly dispersed polymer. A higher value (for
example, 3.0) indicates a widely dispersed polymer.
Using Polymer
1. In the Toolbox Palette dialog box, click Polymer
Analysis Toolbox. The range displayed in the
Spectrum window is reflected in the X Display Range
NOTE: If you zoom on a different region in the
Spectrum window, the new range is not updated in the
X Display Range field, but is used for the analysis when
you click Calculate. The range is updated when you
click Calculate.
2. Baseline correct the trace.
Peak intensities and areas used in the polymer
calculations are calculated from a 0 y-axis value, not
from the calculated baseline of the peak.