Automatic backup
A backup copy of the ROM image existing on the target server is made in the ROM image back
For additional information, see the
HP Online ROM Flash User Guide on the HP website
• eg
• Hard drive ROMs
ette or USB drive key
ry system files, option ROM
g the ROM on a small number of servers located in close
Option RO
Types of option ROMs include:
• Array controller ROMs
Int rated Lights-Out (iLO) ROMs
ROMPaq utility disk
The bootable ROMPaq diskette or USB drive key contains all the necessa
image files, and the configuration files required to upgrade the ROM firm
This procedure is most effective when flashin
To flash the ROM using ROMPaq:
1. Download the system ROMPaq utility diskette or USB drive key for each target server. ROMPa
downloads are available on the
HP website (http://www.hp.com/support).
2. Shut down ea
3. Follo
4. After the ROMPaq utility flashes the ROM for the selected devices, cycle power manually to reboot
y method for storage options. Firmware
upgr ponents and Smart Component
HP website
ch target server, and then reboot using the correct ROMPaq diskette or USB drive key
at server.
w the interactive session in the ROMPaq utility, and then select the devices to be flashed.
the system back into the operating system.
Option ROMPaqs have been retired as an upgrade deliver
ades for storage options are now delivered using Smart Com
deployment utilities.
For additional information about the ROMPaq utility, see the server documentation or
Current firm
Auto t
ware versions
ma ic firmware updates
Subscriber's Choice (http://www.hp.com/go/subscriberschoice)
ual firmware updatesMan
the HP website (http://www.hp.com/supportDownload the latest firmware updates from ).
Troubleshooting 77