156 Geometry
Segment Tap where you want one endpoint to be and press E.
Tap where you want the other endpoint to be and press
E. A segment is drawn between the two end points.
Keyboard shortcut:
Ray Tap where you want the endpoint to be and press E.
Tap a point that you want the ray to pass through and press
E. A ray is drawn from the first point and through the
second point.
Line Tap at a point you want the line to pass through and press
E. Tap at another point you want the line to pass
through and press
E. A line is drawn through the two
Keyboard shortcut:
Vector Tap where you want one endpoint to be and press E.
Tap where you want the other endpoint to be and press
E. A vector is drawn between the two end points.
Angle bisector Tap the point that is the vertex of the angle to be bisected (A)
and press E. Tap another point (B) and press E.
Tap a third point (C) and press
E. A line is drawn
through A bisecting the angle formed by AB
and AC.
Tap one point and press
E. Tap another point and
E. These two points define a segment. A line is
drawn perpendicular to the segment through its midpoint. It
does not matter if the segment is actually defined in the
Symbolic view or not. Alternately, tap to select a segment and
If you are drawing a perpendicular bisector to a segment,
choose the segment first and then select Perp. Bisector from
the Line menu. The bisector is drawn immediately without you
having to select any points. Just press
E to save the