352 Functions and commands
• Input List: A list of input variables (see Input Parameters
below). This can be a range reference, a list of cell
references, or a simple list of values.
• Input Parameters:
– SampMean
– SampSize
– NullPopMean
– PopStdDev
– SigLevel
• Mode: Specifies how to calculate the statistic:
1 = Less than
2 = Greater than
3 = Not equal
• Configuration: A string that controls what results are
shown and the order in which they appear. An empty
string "" displays the default: all results (including
– h = header cells will be created
– acc = Accept/Reject
– tZ = Test Z
– tM = Test Mean
– prob = Probability
– cZ = Critical Z
– cx1 = Critical xbar 1
– cx2 = Critical xbar 2
– std = Standard deviation
HYPZ2mean The hypothesis test HypZ2mean is a two-sample Z-test for
comparing means.
HypZ2mean( input list, ["configuration"])
HypZ2mean(SampMean, SampMean2,
SampSize,SampSize2, PopStdDev,
PopStdDev2,SigLevel, Mode,