Programming 571
In a program, type:
0 HAngle—for Degrees.
1 HAngle—for Radians.
HDigits Sets the number of digits for a number format other than
Standard in the Home view. From the Modes view, enter
a value in the second field of Number Format.
In a program, type:
HDigits, where .
HFormat Sets the number display format used in the Home view.
From the Modes view, choose Standard, Fixed,
Scientific, or Engineering in the Number
Format field.
In a program, store one of the following the constant
numbers (or its name) into the variable HFormat:
0 Standard
1 Fixed
2 Scientific
3 Engineering
HComplex Sets the complex number mode for the Home view. From
Modes, check or uncheck the Complex field. Or, in a
program, type:
HComplex—for OFF.
HComplex—for ON.
Date Returns the system date. The format is YYYY.MMDD. This
format is used irrespective of the format set on the
Time Returns the system time or sets the system time.
Language Sets the language. From Modes, choose a language for
the Language field.